Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers: This Sunday's Boat and BBQ Hash, 12th of February

This Sunday's Boat and BBQ Hash, 12th of February


This Sunday's Hash is a Boat and BBQ Hash. Registration is required so we can get the boat size and food quantity right.

Register here to attend. Meet at 1:15pm for a 1:30pm departure. We will announce the meeting location closer to the event.

*A word about pricing. The actual costs of a boat Hash are roughly (per person): $4 for the boat, $10+ for a Dan Meat BBQ and $2 for extra drinks. So, at least $15. As a way of giving back to those who contribute to the Hash, we provide a subsidy. To qualify for this, you need to have hared once in the last six months or joined the Hash ten times in the last six months. Kids don't contribute enough to get a subsidy, but we do offer a special kids price. See the form for prices.

On on!